“Not sure how to talk to your friends about Christ Jesus? “Let us help break the ice.” Study “The Jesus Theme” on this Site ! Take a look at “The Christ Code” ! Learn how the Star Icon, and The 3 Crosses show all Christianity in 3 easy to remember verses, which basically answer all questions about Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible in 81 words. Tell them that all life is about Jesus Christ and who he is.
Tell them there is no other name except Jesus Christ under which one can be in Heaven one day. Tell them to take a look at: www.jesuschristis316.com Get a “Jesus Christ is 3:16″ Banner and put it on your Locker or maybe your parents will want one for their car ! Click on the “Cool Gear Link”, and show off your: “Jesus Christ is 3:16″ logo. Other young people will ask about your: Cool and Awesome Logo on your own shirt. They will ask, What does it Mean? You tell them, “Jesus Christ is 3:16″.
Father God, I am a sinner, and I ask you to forgive me. I believe your son, Christ Jesus died and then rose to live again so I might be forgiven. I now receive and confess him as my Lord and Saviour. Amen
“Not sure how to talk to your friends about Christ Jesus? “Let us help break the ice.” Study “The Jesus Theme” on this Site ! Take a look at “The Christ Code” ! Learn how the Star Icon, and The 3 Crosses show all Christianity in 3 easy to remember verses, which basically answer all questions about Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible in 81 words. Tell them that all life is about Jesus Christ and who he is.
Tell them there is no other name except Jesus Christ under which one can be in Heaven one day. Tell them to take a look at: www.jesuschristis316.com Get a “Jesus Christ is 3:16″ Banner and put it on your Locker or maybe your parents will want one for their car ! Click on the “Cool Gear Link”, and show off your: “Jesus Christ is 3:16″ logo. Other young people will ask about your: Cool and Awesome Logo on your own shirt. They will ask, What does it Mean? You tell them, “Jesus Christ is 3:16″.