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The 3:16 Revelation

This is the revival, witnessing and teaching theme of:

The Message (2Tim 3:16)
The Messiah (John 3:16)
The Mission (1Tim 3:16)
“Jesus Christ is 3:16″

There are many things that are almost beyond comprehension about this theme and as you read, I am sure you will be humbled as I was. The process, from the first thought, (during reading my bible at bedtime in Norway, Maine, USA, while reading the book of Timothy), to now as I already said, has been humbling as God revealed more and more things to me.

God has been very good to us, and while in study, the first revelation was: “Jesus Christ is 3:16″ with the matching bible verses.

Later God revealed this as “the Jesus theme.”

What come to me was how the bible says that God has chosen the simple things to confound the wise. If you observe the first letter of each word, the scripture is revealed. “tJt” which is observed, reveals 3 crosses and the Crucifixion at Calvary. There were “3″ crosses, “2″ thieves, and “1″ Messiah, that being the “J”, Jesus Christ.

Later I thought about this. Now watch carefully. The bible says that Christ will divide the sheep and the goats, with the goats on his left and the sheep on his right. Again, the “tJt”, “the Jesus theme” is:

The Message(2tim 3:16)
The Messiah(John 3:16)
The Mission(1tim 3:16)
“Jesus Christ is 3:16″

Noting the numbering, “J” crossed, and the “J“ohn 3:16 verse reveals, The Messiah, 2 “t“im 3:16, which would be on the right of Christ, reveals the Word or “The Message”, which the one thief believed in and was saved by Christ, then 1 “t“im 3:16, which would be on the left of Christ, reveals the work of Christ, his ministry, or “Mission”, which the other thief rejected.

I have been thinking about the meaning of “16″ and I believe this represents maturing or the coming of age. 16 Candles represented the coming of age and thinking about this, Christ’s ministry, was his coming of age, from 30 to 33 years of age.

Without the shedding of blood and Calvary, Christianity would not exist, and none us would be saved, therefore this theme is extremely complex and reveals an unbelievable amount of information is such few words that I find it almost mind boggling.

What is so incredible, is that these three verses, each one “3:16″, and each one, 3-M’s, are so easy to remember that anyone, child, teenager, or adult could remember them. These “81″ words (KJV) literally describe all of Christianity and its foundation. God gave us his word, 2 Tim 3:16, “The Message”, which told of the coming of, “The Messiah”, John 3:16, and then every thing that Christ was, and did, and where he went, “The Mission”, 1 Tim 3:16.

I also support Jack Van Impe Ministries and have learned a great deal from JVI, and I am blessed to have Jack Van Impe and Rexella as teachers, and mentors. My heart is more to evangelism, and what I have learned from Jack and Rexella and JVI Presents has helped me to have words for those I talk to and to have answers to confusion that exists about the scriptures.

I will be honest, my nature is not normally to evangelism nor witnessing to people and writing, but this is why I believe I have been called as God’s Holy Spirit is clearly working in me. I have been doing some writing, plus now have much greater boldness that I have ever had before in my life, plus God’s Holy Spirit has also given me more understanding than what I ever had before.

I even had 500, 3 inch by 12 inch banners made using this Theme. I was blessed with God providing the funds by which I was able to use to have them made. My son, Lorne, did the graphic design. The Banner file can be downloaded and printed or made into a silkscreened black on yellow banner/bumper sticker.

I pray this theme will go to a hurting world for revival, and teaching, as it is so easy to remember and witness, and can answer so many questions about being a Christian without having to remember so many verses, chapters, and books. Many times a Christian knows what a verse says but cannot remember the book, chapter, or verse number.
Again, anyone can remember;

The Message(2tim 3:16)
The Messiah(John 3:16)
The Mission(1tim 3:16)
“Jesus Christ is 3:16″

Is it a new idea to spread the Word through banners or bumber stickers?

This is partially true but clearly, is not new! What is new is this theme. Yes, banners were printed as a start to get this theme, and Christ’s name (not seen much on the street anymore), back on the street, and starting right here in Midland, Ontario, Canada. These days, people wear jackets and T-shirts covered with logo’s, their cars have other kinds of stickers, red ribbons, and personal license plates with logo’s which cost $100’s, but I find myself asking, “Where is the name of Jesus Christ?”

I can wear any shirt I want, etc, and get all excited about games of sport but I wonder why so many do not seem to get as excited about Jesus Christ as much as who won the last game or race? We have to find our first love again. We have to get excited about our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. We have to get excited if we are saved, that our name is written in Heaven. If we do not know Jesus, we need to look into who he was, is, and always will be so we can receive him and know where we are going when we pass on from this earth.

Thank you for reading this, bye for now, and God Bless you all, and again,
“Jesus Christ is 3:16″
